
After the snow on Friday the weekend settled down into that typically March weather - grey, damp and windy. I really didn't want to head out for a walk but a week sat at a desk and you really do need to feel the elements giving you a good shake.

Drove down to Kearney Village on the coast of the Ards peninsula.  Mentioned it previously, it's a small village, still inhabited but restored and protected by the National Trust. The village itself is like stepping back in time. Whitewashed cottages surrounding the common green. Narrow lanes leading out onto the shore. All very quaint but beneath it the history. That way of life, easy to romanticise and yet, Nothing about it would have been easy. Or quaint.

In one of the fields there were a few Shetland Cows and I was lucky to arrive when a newborn was finding their feet. Born on Friday during the snow, a villager was telling me how concerned they were he wouldn't make it. But make it he did. They're made of tough stuff. Resilience is a way of life on the coast. A defiance against the cold and the grey.

Kestrel managing to stay still against the winds
Curious Cows
Kearney Village